
Going away?

We now have two dedicated cages to offer boarding to our rat family, our base rate is $10/week for the cage which includes:

Cages are cleaned weekly during your rats stay and the base rate is not pro-rata. For example if you are booking for 5 days the full $10 will be charged for the cage. When rats are dropped off a health check will be given to each rat. During their stay with us they will have free roaming time daily and occasional rat safe human food as a treat.

If they require any medication during their stay bring it with and I will make sure to administer this.

Depending on the length of your stay and whether you are supplying your own food the fee for caring for your furbabies is negotiable, please contact to discuss.

Online Booking Coming soon

I am working out how to incorporate online booking for boarding, in the mean time please send me an email to arrange this.